A New server has been created to host a multitude of Hunger Games!
up to 41 players and TONS of arenas! all different themes!
Please Be Aware: The permissions are not finished so there is currently a whitelist. But be sure to add
Name: Imen HungerGames
IP : cake.qwertyoruiop.com
To your server list!
once perms are done you can join at anytime to fight your friends. or be on at set times where we will have scheduled an event! ( Check Forum Calander )
up to 41 players and TONS of arenas! all different themes!
Please Be Aware: The permissions are not finished so there is currently a whitelist. But be sure to add
Name: Imen HungerGames
IP : cake.qwertyoruiop.com
To your server list!
once perms are done you can join at anytime to fight your friends. or be on at set times where we will have scheduled an event! ( Check Forum Calander )